Personal Carrd - Mare Lamentorum

Vel Lindbulm

Crystal | Malboro | Goblet | Ward 16 | Plot 31
About, Services, Gallery, and Nightclub


★ Name: Vel Lindbulm
★ Race: Miqo'te (Moon)
★ Flavor: Incubus
★ Age: Looks to be around 25
★ Gender: Male, He/Him
★ Sexuality: Pansexual
★ Preference: All
★ Likes/Kinks: Most things, Ask! (Also KinkSheet Below)
★ RP Style: Third-person, full sentences, long messages. However, I'm completely happy to match your style.
★ Personality: Himbo, through and through. Boisterous, sometimes coy, often direct. Loves silliness and having fun with anyone, regardless of experience. Also loves mischief.
★ Description: Tremendously big, head empty. Eatin' souls and takin' names.
★ Greeting: "What's poppin'? My name's Vel, and I'm the owner, head bartender, and anything else you want here at Night Fiends. Come find me over at the bar, or ambling around the club, if you want a taste. Or to chat. Whichever you prefer."★ On Being Big: "I'm a little, uh, bigger than your typical Miqo'te -- but then again, I'm not really a typical Miqo'te at all. Being a nascent incubus given flesh has its perks in more ways than one, and the size, strength, and beef barely scrape the tip of the iceberg."★ Personality: "Himbo? Is that the right word? That's what they keep calling me, but I'd, uh, like to think I'm a bit more clever than that. Sure I like to be silly, sure I like to fuck around, and sure I like to prey upon people's desires, essence, and flesh... but I know other stuff, too! Like, uh... I can do magic tricks. Want to see one?"★ On Family: "My family? That's kind of a long story, although my parents (the people who birthed me, I guess?) are still around, and I still visit them and the coven pretty regularly. They just try not to ask me about my, uh, eating habits. I used to have a brother, Vel'a, but that's a different story."★ Favorite Food: "You."★ Something Interesting: "Come and chat if you want something really interesting to happen."


ALL RP: 500k per hour
/tell me for more information on buyouts, after-hours, multiple people, and custom requests.